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Du Bois | W.E.B.

In Battle For Peace: The Story of My 83rd Birthday

First Edition | First Printing



The signed first edition, first printing of In Battle For Peace: The Story of My 83rd Birthday by W.E.B. Du Bois.

Octavo, 192pp. Illustrated softcover. Stated “First Printing: August 1952” on the copyright page. Pictorial wrappers, light soiling to covers, retail price of $1.00 printed on rear panel. Sunning to spine.

This copy is signed on the half-title by W.E.B. Du Bois.

This work by Dr. Du Bois is a memoir of his 1951 trial for failing to register the Peace Information Center under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, as the government believed the organization was acting as an agent of a foreign government. He was represented by civil rights attorney Vito Marcantonio, who got the case dismissed when he told the judge that Albert Einstein would act as a character witness for his defendant. Along with this first trade edition, a “Special Edition” of 200 copies, individually numbered and signed by the author, were produced for The Committee for the Du Bois Foundation.

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Location Published

New York


Masses & Mainstream


First Edition, First Printing

Date Published





Very Good


Du Bois | W.E.B.

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W.E.B. Du Bois