Personalized letter from William Howard Taft to Deputy Circuit Court Judge, George Leonard. Includes original mailing envelope. Housed in custom cloth chemise with title on front. Letter details a meeting planned between Walter S. Harsha from the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals for the Eastern District of Michigan. Full text of the letter reads: “My dear Leonard, I find I made an error in my last letter to you. My address comes upon the 28th of August on Wednesday. I shall, therefore, start from here on next Saturday night and reach Detroit on Monday the 26th at noon 2 P.M. If you think of coming to Detroit, I wish you could meet me there then. I shall stay at Mr. Harsha’s. It is quite possible that I shall wish to do some work between noon Monday afternoon and Wednesday morning in which you could be of great assistance to me. I received your last express parcel. Very sincerely yours, Wm H. Taft.”
Comments: Taft had graduated from the University of Cincinnati Law School in 1880, and occupied positions as Cincinnati Superior Court Judge and Solicitor General before assuming responsibilities as a federal court judge. Taft was appointed a judge on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in 1892 by President Benjamin Harrison. Taft would hold this position until 1900, when President McKinley would appoint Taft the Governor General of the Philippines.