First edition of Hunting at High Altitudes by George Bird Grinnell, in the scarce dust jacket.
Octavo, 511pp. Red cloth, title in silver on front cover and spine. No additional printings listed on copyright page. Solid text block, silver rubbed on spine, previous ownership stamp on front free endpaper, a near fine example. Complete with 16 full-page plates, including frontispiece with tissue. In the publisher’s scarce dust jacket, $2.50 retail price on spine, foxing to rear cover, professional restoration on verso to flap folds, spine, and edges.
George Bird Grinnell (1849-1938), Ph.D. dedicated his life to the study of Native American life and conservation work, both through legal steps and personal exploration. The Boone and Crockett Club was established in 1887 by Theodore Roosevelt and George Bird Grinnell, with the goal of ethically managing and conserving wildlife.