First edition of the Journal As Ambassador To Great Britain by Charles G. Dawes, inscribed to Chicago Mayor Edward Kelly. Octavo, ix, 442pp. Blue cloth, title in gilt on spine and cover. Stated “first printing” on copyright page. Inscribed by Vice President Dawes to Chicago Mayor Edward J. Kelly. Inscription reads: “For Edward J. Kelly. From his friend. Charles Dawes. Dec. 25th, 1939.” Includes a copy of the letter sent from Mayor Kelly to Vice President Dawes, thanking him for the book. A unique historical copy.
Comments: Charles G. Dawes was the 30th Vice President of the United States under President Calvin Coolidge and Ambassador to Great Britain under President Herbert Hoover. Edward Kelly served as Chicago Mayor from 1933-1947, presiding over a powerful, yet corrupt political operation, known as the “Kelly-Nash Machine.” His progressive stance on civil rights and New Deal politics won him praise, but organized crime was rampant during his tenure.