Signed first edition of Eyewitnesses To The Indian Wars, 1865 – 1890, edited and signed by Peter Cozzens.
Thick octavo, xxxiv, 683pp. Blue hardcover, title in gilt. Stated “first edition” on copyright page, with full number line. In publisher’s fine dust jacket. Signed by Peter Cozzens on the title page.
Peter Cozzens is an award winning author of numerous books on the Civil War and the Indian Wars of the American West. He served as a Foreign Service Officer for the United States Department of State and was awarded the department’s William R. Rivkin award for service in 2002. He is the recipient of the 2017 Gilder Lehrman Military History Prize and the 2016 Caroline Bancroft Prize for history. Some of his works include: The Earth Is Weeping: The Epic Story of the Indian Wars for the American West (2016), This Terrible Sound: The Battle of Chickamauga (1992), and The Shipwreck of Their Hopes: The Battles for Chattanooga (1994). His next book will be Tecumseh and the Prophet: The Shawnee Brothers Who Defied A Nation, expected in 2020.