Wallace | George

George Wallace Presidential Campaign 1972

Campaign Ephemera



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George Wallace Presidential Campaign Ephemera

This collection includes the following pieces: Two campaign flyers, bumper sticker with Wallace’s portrait and “10 Million Can’t Be Wrong,” Two (2) silver “coins” with “Not a Dime’s Worth of Difference / Humphrey – Nixon” on one side and Wallace /Courage to Stand Up or America” on the other, Notepaper, “When You Vote for Wallace – You Aint Just Whistling Dixie,” and “It takes Courage! Wallace has it! Do You? Stand up for America!” with attached cloth “Win with Wallace.”

In the 1972 presidential campaign, Alabama Governor George Wallace (1919-1998) ran as a Democrat, positioning himself as a champion of Southern populism and a critic of the federal government’s civil rights policies. His campaign gained significant traction in the South, winning him primaries in Alabama, Florida, Tennessee and others. On May 15, 1972, Wallace was shot five times by Arthur Bremer during a campaign stop in Laurel, Maryland. The assassination attempt left Wallace paralyzed from the waist down, effectively ending his active pursuit of the presidency that year, though he remained a symbolic figure in American politics.

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[Friends of George Wallace]


Campaign Ephemera

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Near Fine


Wallace | George

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George Wallace