Oration On The Character of Gilbert Motier de Lafayette, inscribed by President John Quincy Adams.
Thin octavo, [iii], 94pp, [6 blank]. Red morocco, gilt title on spine. Rebacked by Vernon Wiering, as noted on rear pastedown endpaper. (Sabin 295) (Martin/Goehlert 2699) Pencil marks on endpapers and flyleaf. Withdrawn stamp on front endpaper. Inscribed by John Quincy Adams to the Lawrenceville Lyceum on tipped-in leaf at front.
Comments: Following the death of Revolutionary War hero Marquis de Lafayette, former President John Quincy Adams gave a three-hour eulogy before the House of Representatives. This inscribed copy was given to the Lawrenceville Lyceum, a school dedicated to Adult Education in the early 19th Century.