Deluxe inaugural edition of Profiles in Courage by President John F. Kennedy, with secretarial signature.
Small octavo, 266pp. Blue leather, gilt title on spine, presidential seal in gilt on front cover. All edges gilt. Lacking the scarce blue display box. This special inaugural edition includes a limitation page, inscribed with the following: “This Copy Presented To: Robert M. Moore – In Recognition Of His Friendship And Generous Support To The Democratic Cause – John Kennedy – The White House, Washington, D.C.” The signature of John F. Kennedy was done by a presidential secretary.
Robert M. Moore worked for the Democratic National Committee, serving as Assistant to the Chairman, Mr. William M. Boyle. Mr. Moore was a lifelong acquaintance of Harry Truman, being raised in Missouri and a member of the Missouri Democratic delegation. He died unexpectedly in 1964.