First edition of “We’ll Stick To The Finish” by Joe Chapple, inscribed to General of the Armies, John J. Pershing.
Octavo, xiv, 303pp. Beige cloth, title stamped in green and red. No additional printings mentioned on copyright page. Frontispiece and thirty-three illustrations in black and white. Bumped front corner, light shelf wear, a near fine example. Not issued with a dust jacket. Library of General Pershing label on front endpaper. This copy is inscribed on the front free endpaper: “For our commander in France, Gen. John J. Pershing, with sincere regards and a deep appreciation of the Leader of our Troops in many glorious deeds. Faithfully, Joe Mitchell Chapple. Boston, Aug. 1918.” An exceptional association copy.
This work by newspaper editor and American journalist Joe Mitchell Chapple is notable for its candid look at the fighting on the Western Front. It details Chapple’s meetings with soldiers, European political leaders and American military leadership. During his meeting with General Pershing, he notes the weight of the war and the hopes of the free world being placed on one man’s shoulders.