[King James Bible]

The Holy Bible. Containing the Old Testament and the New

First Edition Thus



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An early state of the first quarto King James Bible in black letter type. This volume includes: The Book of Common Prayer, The Genealogies, The Old Testament (1613), The New Testament (1614), Concordances (1615), and The Whole Book of Psalms (1618).

Quarto, [unpaginated]. In the original 17th century binding, full brown calf, four raised bands along spine. Includes six of the original ten metal bosses, designed to protect edges of binding. Detailed trim stamped in blind to covers. All four metal clasps remain along fore-edge, originally used to prevent boards from warping. The straps once attached to the rear cover have been cut. Spine was professionally rebacked, with new endpapers added for stability.

This copy is a mixed state, with the earlier printing point “he” in Ruth (323), but also has “daies” in Genesis (331). (Herbert 323) (Herbert 331) No distinct priorities listed in Herbert.

This volume includes: The Book of Common Prayer (includes one chart at front, lacking title page and date), John Speed’s The Genealogies (lacking the map of Canaan), The Old Testament (1613), The New Testament (1614), Concordances (1615), and The Whole Book of Psalms (1618). The leaves are lightly toned throughout, still legible. There are a few small wormholes along the bottom edge near the rear of the volume, no impact to text. The final three leaves of Psalms are fairly soiled and creased along gutter, but remain intact. It is, as a whole, a very clean copy.

Collation – 4°:  Ï€ A8 B10 C-E8, 2A-D4 E2, 3A-Sss8, 4A-K8L2, 5A-E4. [$4 (+B5; –2A3, 2A4, 2D4) signed; mis-signed 3A4 as 3B4, 3H4 as 3H2.

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Robert Barker


First Edition Thus

Date Published



Full leather


Very Good


[King James Bible]


[King James Bible]