First edition, second printing of Why England Slept by John F. Kennedy.
Octavo, xxx, 252pp. Red cloth, title stamped in white over blue, light wear to top edge of spine. “Second printing, August, 1940” stated on the copyright page. Solid text block, top edge dyed blue, offsetting to endpapers, dampstain to lower edge of rear cover, no impact to text block, a very good example. (Newcomb 10) In publisher’s second state dust jacket, with “Second Large Printing” statement on front panel, $2.00 price on front flap, some chipping along top edge, front flap fold starting to separate, dampstain to verso, a good example.
Why England Slept is an expansion of John F. Kennedy’s Harvard Thesis, which examines England’s lack of preparedness for the rising threat of World War II.